Here we are at the start of yet another week. What do you have planned for this week?? what are you hoping to accomplish? Me? I have a pretty low key week. Which means I am hoping to get lots done. Here are my big goals
1) Finish Christmas stocking shopping
2) Email my latest and greatest story to my mommy for her approval
3) Make Felt Choco chip cookies
4) Get at least 10 more buildings finished for the car mats
5) Clean my house
Im crossing my fingers that I get it all done. Im also crossing my fingers that I dont freeze. Yes I grew up here but Calgary weather still sucks and I will never be used to it. Yes I know its Nov and we should have snow already but Im still not happy that its supposed to snow tonight. Here is hoping that it holds off a few more days/months/years!
Here is another fact about me... I am a food hoarder. I dont know where I could have possibly gotten my food stocking gene (mother!) but we normally have more food then we need in this house. I may not have an official 3 month supply but we wouldnt be hurting if I didnt make a grocery trip most weeks! Anyways. I have been trying to save on groceries so I can spend the money on Christmas and so I am in use it up mode. So now Im going through my pantry/fridge/food storage and using all the things that I already have in the house. its pretty refreshing!
Monday - tandoori Chicken
Tuesday - Thai Soup
Wednesday - Asian Chicken salads
Thursday - Hamburgers
Friday - Pizza night with the Elders
Saturday - Still undecided
Sunday - Leftovers
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