I have finished another book... actually two but the other one was a total flop and not even worth the time reviewing... But this one was really cute. Its Holes by Louis Sachar. It was a young read which was what I needed lately as my little monster is not sleeping... again. But I will admit that I got really into it and had a really hard time putting it down.
Its a tale about a boy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ends up in a work camp as punishment for a crime he didnt commit. There every boy has to big a 5foot hole everyday. They say its to help build character but really there is more to that story...
The novel weaves in some fun tales about the past history of the place and the reader soon notices that connection the history plays to certain young men at the camp.
Now most of the connections should be fairly obvious...especially to someone like me who figures things out 95% of the time... but the end chapter helped make a few connections for me that I missed. Im blaming the lack of sleep on my poor foreshadow catching. The connections I missed didnt ruin the story at all. It was a really fun, cute tale to begin with then when it was all laid out in black in white it was even cuter.
Yeah I hear you out there in cyber space "Cute...how can a book about deliquints be cute?" But really read this and you will see what I mean... its CUTE.
This is a book I bought and as I added it to my teen/young adult shelves of my book cases I realized I need to expand to shelf three (which is currenlty housing my 3 yr olds toys... so we are hunting for a new home for either the books or the toys) I LOVE BOOKS.
Holes was made into a movie and i have it on hold at the library. Once I venture over there Ill tell you how the movie stacks up to the book.
All and all I think its a worthwhile, quick easy read.
What am I reading now??? The Red Badge of Courage!
I love that one, and the movie is cute too! I bet your boys will like the movie too.