
Thursday, February 17, 2011

I love the BBC

Have I ever mentioned how much I love the BBC. It's fantastic. At first I didnt fully realize just how much I adored the BBC, but then I had one of those light bulb moments and realized that pretty much all the documentaries I have fallen in love with are BBC productions. Life, Blue Planet, Planet Earth, etc etc etc.
  I recently finished another BBC production. This one is called Aushwitz; Inside the Nazi State. I have been on a WWII kick lately. I am really intrigued. Ive been reading fiction and non fiction on the matter and have come to learn alot and have formed even more questions regarding that time. I had taken this book out at the library and then one night when I was searching around Netflix (another great love of mine) I discovered that it was a documentary from the BBC. OF COURSE I WAS THRILLED and started watching it right away. It was 6 1 hr episodes. It was INCREDIBLE. I learned so much in those short 6 hours. and of course it filled me with more questions as I am now left to search out more info on Drachau, Dr. Melegee, Himmler, and others.
  It was very humbling to see how small steps can lead to the largest and most horrific mass killing scene in WWII.... I say WWII because I have heard of other geneside sites and dont feel informed on those enough to weigh them against Aushwitz. But I think we all can agree that the murders there were devastating!
  I learned so much like;
-Aushwitz was orginally a POW camp for Polish prisoners and Soviets
-It was meant to be a slave workers camp for some huge Scientific company
-They had 'special' jewish workers who's job was to lead the other jews into the gas chambers and then clean up afterwards (disgusting eh?)
  It saddened me while watching this documentary to hear those who survived those days talk about it. They had Nazis, Jews, and polish prisoners all who lived at Aushwitz give accounts from that time. It saddened me to hear the hatred that the Nazis had and how they truly believed they were right. And it broke my heart to hear how much hatred filled the victims that survived. yes they are as justified as anyone to hate, but can you imagine carrying that baggage around. And how that must of effected their children to have grown up with those scars in their parents.
    Maybe I am morbid and warped but I loved this documentary. I thought it was fair to both sides and full of interesting history. I am so glad the BBC made this little gem. Now Im off to find another great and insighful documentary from the BBC!

1 comment:

  1. I have such a hard time understanding the awful things that happened during the holocaust. I'm glad you are interested in it, I do think it's a very important thing to learn about. I don't know why, but I cannot watch movies or documentaries about it. It gets too real for me and I can't handle it. I watched The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and I cried all night and part of the next day when it came to mind. I just can't do it! I do like to learn about all of the things that happened back then and the different perspectives. We can't pretend it never happened, that's for sure.
