
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Book Review

I have finished another book... and Im torn on how I feel about it. The book is called The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan (the same man who wrote the Percy Jackson series) It's the first book in a new series he is working on called the Kane Chronicles. I was really excited to read it because Percy Jackson dips into Greek Mythology the Kane chronicles will dip into Ancient Egyptian mythology. (For those of you who dont know since I first watch Indiana Jones I have dreamed of being an Acheaologist... I actually studied it in university and have loved Egypt and all its mysteries)
  Ok on to why I am so torn... It has the potential to be a really fun, intriguing story. One filled with just enough facts to be believable but since its all mythology still fictional. But there is a major flaw that drives me bananas as I am reading it. It's written in first person (which I have nothing against) but the two narrators are YOUNG teenagers... we are talking like 12-14 and they are siblings. Why you may as is this a problem?? because the author has decided to write like a 12-14 year old... so you get all the attitude and bickering that goes on between the two siblings. I found it really annoying to be reading someting Carter is supposedly telling us and then to have a comment to Sadie made in square brackets.. eg... [dont look at me like that its true] Mostly I was like "COME ON just get on with the story" One other thing I didnt like was that they made the Ancient gods too modern... I really doubt Set would make a joke at sadie's expence by saying "Come on thats magic one-oh-one" but I guess that part could be that I hold Egyptian god's very dear as I am so passionate about them. I just think Set is better then that!
  There was one quote that I love from this book. I cant find it now but it went along these lines 'fair does not mean that everyone gets the same. Fair means that everyone gets what they need' I really love that.
  So all in all where do I stand on this new book and series... hmmmm.. I'll read them all but I wont buy them. thank goodness for libraries!

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