
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Book Review

I have been entralled with a book the last week or so... The Host by Stephanie Meyer. I know its not a new book so many of you may be surprised that it has taken a book worm like me so long to read it. Well after the Twilight saga I have avoided everything Stephanie Meyer. I am trying very hard to be the anti twilight... Ill admit it I read them all (in a week) but looking back on it all I can think of is how stupid the story line is.. anyways... thats why I avoided The Host. But I finally caved and read it. Its sooooooo Good. I was So surpised I like it as much I as did.
   When I entered motherhood I developed a new love for sleep. Thank goodness for PVRs because not even my favorite TV shows would warrant me staying up past 930 or 10 pm. But the other night I was up until almost 11 reading this book. I still wanted to read more but I forced myself to sleep!
    Stephanie Meyer is a super romantic so of course there is the Love Story built into a significant portion of the story, but it also really made me think. The Host is written in first person. The story told from the point of view of an alien parasite who has taken over a human body but the human refuses to give up all her mind. So you here her thoughts through out the story too. These 'souls' as they call them self have taken over the planet. So you instinct to to class them as the bad guys, but as you get to know Wanderer/Wanda I found myself torn. Who did I want to survive the alien Wanda or the human Melanie. They both deserved so much more the life was offering. It was an interesting battle for me to struggle with in my own mind.
   Stephanie Meyer needs to work on her endings though...I felt it was predictable. But I dont want to give anything away so Ill stop talking about it!
  All in all I liked it and Ill for sure be adding it to my collection. So if you havent read it go read it and if you have read it... read it again!

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