
Monday, November 29, 2010

New Resolution

Ive been doing alot of thinking lately. Jaxon has been a little crazy lately and also acting sorta younger then normal. I think its his way of getting attention from me. I have been crazy swamped with Christmas crafts and chores and kids. Plus Jaxon is now competing with Owen for attention and he tends to do things that Owen does... which is fine for a 15 month old but not for a 3 yr old. Plus Jaxon has been having far too much screen time. He seems to bounce from the Wii to the TV to the movies to the computer to the DS and back again. so here is my resolution... I am going to Play more. play with my boys. Laugh with them. Pretend with them. Grow with them. If projects dont get done they dont get done... if chores dont get done then there is always tomorrow. from today on Im going to play more!
(Great Picture that my awesome friend Kim from Kim Hawkings Photography took eh?)


  1. Thanks for the plug! I decided on the same resolution a little while ago too. Play more with Joseph! It's so easy to let them play and watch the electronics!

  2. I will plug your work any chance I get... you do amazing work! I would get so much more done if I was willing to let my boys be screen zombies... but Im having ablast playing with them
